"the steadfast bobby" (pencil concept sketches)

"the steadfast bobby" (pencil concept sketches) the concept for this is simple... never leaving his post, this bobby is diligent in observing the things that go on from this street corner but for some reason he never acts to intervene or get caught up in the rumblings and squabbling of others. he is quite suspicious of them generally speaking, and he does use that squinty sidewise glare to try to dissuade hooligans from misbehaving but that is pretty much all he does... i loved drawing the wonky buildings for the background, all askew...and of course the cobblestoned streets. can't get enough of those. i could totally hear him walking his beat with those hard leather soled shoes, but since he never leaves his post...well, you get it. there is a moon somewhere, i haven't decided its position in the foggy sky just yet. the scene will also be lit by various old-timey streetlamps. yup, this is in london during a much earlier time, much, much earlier.