"bouncer-bot" (7x5.15", digital)
"bouncer-bot" (7x5.15", digital)
this was a completely digital effort. the sketch to the left was with a brush in photoshop that started the whole digital pencil "thing" for me. the painted image to the right was an attempt to emulate watercolor in digital form. i learned how to use watercolor back in college one summer and i fell in love with the medium. so, after things got all digital around here, i really tried to achieve that watercolor effect when i created this robot...
the idea behind him is this:
there are things in our minds that we wish not to be there...things like experiences or thoughts that cause us suffering...so, i employed this 20's gangster-bot to kick these unwanted things out of my head. (smirk) anytime any uncalled-for thought manages to sneak its way into my head, a bouncer-bot is there to swiftly grab it by the pants and heave it out of my consciousness. what a handy-bot! he doesn't put up with any such mischief or tomfoolery! (only the good kind of mischief and tomfoolery!) he's simply not having it! so if you ever need to employ a loyal bouncer-bot, he's at your disposal! completely free of charge...it would be his pleasure!