"The Effervescelator" (pencil)

"The Effervescelator" (pencil) 
this is the professor's main mode of transportation around the lab. that's not smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe...those are bubbles...get the name now? (my dad actually came up with its name the other day.) i virtually attended this year's SCBWI summer conference (friday thru sunday)...and while i did pay attention...(smirk) i did a lot of sketching at the same time. this was one of my favorite sketches from this weekend! As there is an awful lot of dark machine smoke spouting out of the professor's inventions, i thought, if he has to fly this thing all over the place...it might as well be spitting out something a little more pleasant...bubbles...(wink).
this is also the first drawing i have done depicting the professor in all his new glory!!!
fun, fun, fun... have a great day guys!
