
Showing posts from July, 2022

Gian Lorenzo Bernini (December 7,1598 - November 28, 1680)

  Gian Lorenzo Bernini (December 7,1598 - November 28, 1680) (this first image is a self-portrait, how did i not know bernini was also a painter...tsk tsk tsk, i'm ashamed of i first fell in love with bernini's work upon seeing his triton statue. to explain how amazing an artist bernini was...well i simply don't have time this would just take too long. so here's the wikipedia link if you desire to learn more about all the things this versatile and talented artist did in his lifetime...

the emerging forest creature (digital, 8x10")

the emerging forest creature (digital, 8x10") this year's birthday present for pam. the photo was taken in washington depot, ct back in march or april of this year. we spent two hours hiking through this forest and took about a zillion or so photographs of all the magic we discovered there. all we kept imagining were all kinds of creatures hiding in the landscape. so many ideas sprang forth from that hike. so, when it was time to paint something for pam's birthday gift this year, i instantly knew i needed to create this image! and she loved it...mission accomplished!

professor whimpleschteen character re-design (pencil, digital 13 x 13.25")

professor whimpleschteen character re-design (pencil, digital 13 x 13.25") so, i'm redesigning all the characters from my graphic picture book about professor whimpleschteen and his robots and wondrous machinery. i have finally felt ready to do so, and so i am working diligently every day on this project. mad fun indeed. (ps- L. F. on the tag at the end of the string... stands for london that's my favorite kind of tea... it's a bit of an easter egg for myself to smirk over.) and yes, the professor is, in fact, british. why wouldn't he be? more of this madness shall absolutely follow! guaranteed. i don't have any money to give you back, so i guess i had better get back to it! later.

sox fan art (pencil, digital 8x4" 7-11-22)

sox fan art (pencil, digital 8x4" 7-11-22) ever since i saw lightyear (the new buzz lightyear movie, 2022) i fell in love with the robotic cat character, sox. if you haven't seen sox in action, you really should! a very cute character...indeed! so yesterday being paper bag day (seriously, it's a thing!) i had an "ah-ha" moment. and that's the story of how i decided to finally do a fanart piece for sox!

jazz character re-design (pencil, digital, 17x23", 7-5-2022)

jazz character re-design (pencil, digital, 17x23, 7-5-2022) yup, this is actually a new piece! can you believe it? me either. i'm redesigning characters for my zot picture book (which as it turns out is called a graphic picture book) ... i based jazzy's new upgrade on the version of her i did in my self-portrait. jazz has gone thru many versions, but i think i just landed on "the one". this was a relatively fast piece, i think all in all, sketch to the final character, fully painted and the text you see here, um...three days? (i started tinkering with the professor last night, keeping the style consistent with jazz's...i think i have found the professor's new look as well...) more to come on this developing schtuff for zot...hope you guys are into zot cause that's my current main focus.

chameleon (morning study, digital)

chameleon (morning study, digital) pulled another one from my blog for yaz. these are such fun lil pieces, especially for this image. trying to capture the essence of a chameleon is just bliss, so i naturally thought he ought to be donning a grin. what is it like to have eyes that move independently of one another (and how does the brain of a chameleon figure all THAT out?) the logic of WHY doesn't escape me...just the logic HOW. personally, i'm glad my eyes work together, in the same direction, at the same time. not all creatures have this luxury...tho judging from the chameleon's smile, its' perfectly content to have been saddled with those weird orbs. to each is own! (still, weird.)

"commander gulp is lost again" (11x8.5" digital sketch, pencil shading, ballpoint pen outlines)

"commander gulp is lost again" (11x8.5" digital sketch, pencil shading, ballpoint pen outlines) happy world ufo day! [“I want to believe.” These are the words of notorious X-Files hero Fox Mulder, who convinced an entire generation that the truth is out there – we just have to find it. But on July 2, it won’t only be sci-fi enthusiasts trying out their ET sleuthing skills, as everyone on planet earth will have to opportunity to celebrate World UFO Day. UFOs have been the stuff of legend for centuries, but it wasn’t until the 1950s that freaky flying saucers grabbed national and international mainstream attention. Since then, UFOs have captured the minds of old and young alike, and witness’ stories have proliferated around the world. World UFO Day serves as a way for everyone to come together and watch the skies on the same night in search of UFOs, but that’s not its only purpose. Many see the holiday as a way to spread knowledge and awareness of UFOs, making a case for t...

"the pneumatic-transporter" (11x8.5", pencil)

"the pneumatic-transporter" (11x8.5", pencil) this is another one from my zot book. it's how the professor and some of his robots get from room to room in his lab. i always love when i still see pneumatic tubes, like at the bank...the fact that they are used is glorious to my mind. (chuckling) but...i must add here, that if you know anything about the professor, it should be this... his machines and inventions don't always work, if you wanted to go to the spare parts room for instance, you might just end up in the deep dark recesses of the furnace room. which is where most robots do...not...want to end up... may your pneumatic-transporter take you exactly where you need to be today! "excelsior!"